Registrations for classes Pre-Nursery to VIIth are open . Call 0631 01332-252564 to enquire.


We take pleasure in inviting your school for the following workshopks: School Programme Overview workshop for teachers and Let's Speak out and Write Right! workshop for students The School Programme Overview workshop is relevant to heads of schools and senior teachers who are interested in introducing an international dimension into their schools curriculum. The workshop will cover the principles of Continuing Pofessional Development for teachers and leaders. Please note: Only one participant per school is accepted- Principal/Trustee/ Head of School/ Owner/ Director/Senior Administration Staff or Senior Teacher. It will cover Connecting Classrooms which is a a global education programme for schools. It is designed to help young people become globally aware and competitive in the 21st century. British Council consulted a range of stakeholders, drew upon research on the deep pedagogies framework and UNESCO’s transversal skills and then decided to focus on supporting teachers develop their pedagogy in the following Six Core Skills and competencies which forms a part of the Connecting Classrooms programme:

This workshop focusses on: